I exported these images for the order of the magi book cover form illustrator because I'm an idiot and forgot about the bounding box issue, so the images above are absolutely redundent, other than to demonstrate that despite you not being able to tell how they're different, there is a numerical value to the amount of things I tired out. It's disappointing and I just don't have the energy this close to the deadline to re-document it. It's my fault and if I lose marks for this then on my head be it.
The UK guild of Taxidermists

With the guild of Taxidermists book cover for their rules and regulations, it was essentially creating type in the same style as the membership card and finding where it sits best amongst the tools. I tried a few things but it seemed to look awkward on the page evrywhere except the bottom, where it seemed to sit quite nicely, and that is where it will stay.
Flat Earth Society:

The rules and regulations booklet cover initially used the flat earth model diagram that I'd designed, but this was just didn't seem to work as well as I'd of liked it to, and also I wanted to tie it to the membership card more closely, so I went with those colour choices. The type for the cover is Adobe Caslon Pro, which I used for the typography on the logo in the end.
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