Tuesday, October 20, 2009

I'll show you radical research.

Ok, so I was lacking a serious amount of primary, so firstly, and less radically, I got opinions on a picture of Obama and his campaign logo, most had something similar about hope or change, suggesting that he is a symbol for change, however, I was using young university students who tend to sit on the left side of the fence anyway. Seeing this one-sightedness, I decied to set up a fake email account so I don't get in trouble and contact a load of right-wingers, extreme and more central, ranging from the BNP over here and the Westboro Baptist Church in America, to conservative Rush Limbaugh etc. Basically trying to coax some opinion on Obama out of them. I hope to hear back soon.


I'm quite a conservative student from England. I've just started reading about international politics and I've read a lot of reports that Obama is a Marxist and a Muslim. I was wondering whether I could have your views on this? It's worrying if it's true, but I'm not sure what to believe.

Many Thanks


The bull I made up and sent out.

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