Friday, October 22, 2010

Poster layout deveopment and crit

Heres some progress I made just in one day doing a similar aesthetic to the booklet I was working on but with a fold out poster format. I stupidly didn't put an outline round the images so it's hard to see the boundaries of where the posters stop, but you get an idea of the way the layouts work. I looked at using scale circles to indicate peak population and death toll which worked quite nicely. I also tried bars that indicate the same through length rather than diameter, but it didn't work as effectively in this as it did in the booklet format I showed in a previous post. I knocked this altogether really quickly so it's not very well documented because I couldn't document as quickly as I was experimenting, but ultimately the last couple of designs on this spread, I personally think work the most effectively for the most part. There's an issue with hierarchy though because the facts run along the top, though your eye is drawn straight to the huge header beneath it. The header is priority I guess, but if this is the case then whats the purpose in having it run a long the top. I need to find a way to resolve this so I can move forward. Also I've kind of run with this, and I do think it's a strong concept and something that's very strongly associated with the Peoples Temple and also it permeates into pop culture quite strongly, drawing on a collective reference system of signifiers that I imagine quite a few people will have, but perhaps I need to look at different ways of visually representing this? Also look at different fonts and really tweak the typography in the body copy.


Ok so yesterday I had a crit, below are some pictures of my feedback forms and the poster layout I brought. I also brought, although they're undocumented here, my final spreads just to get some last thoughts before I begin to design the spot varnish overlays for them.

Generally very positive feedback, liking the visuals of what I was doing. Two main points:
-The book might be beginning to take up too much time. I agree with this, I'm going to work quite quickly with the spot varnish overlays in order to finish this project quickly, it's essentially a case of getting the right signs and symbols as well as phrases and just tweaking the layout for them so I can wrap this up quickly.
-With the cults brief, it doesn't neccassarily have a context which could mean I'm actually just designing for myself. I think my argument to that would be that this brief is actually about print proccesses and an exploration of that, the content and context takes a back seat to a volume of experimentation with print proccesses.

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