Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Collaboration Contract and creating a concept statement.

We were told to write a contract and sign it to sort of give an inclination into the roles we were going to adopt over the next four weeks, we will then evaluate the process at the end using these initial roles to compare against how it went. I'm looking forward to how monumental the change might be.

After this we filled in a concept statement, really ironing out our interpretation of the brief and finalising the direction and approaches we need to take, the deliverables were the most important thing here, I felt. Especially deciding upon the idea of using a scale model.

We then used the scotch egg example just to clarify what we were doing, before moving onto an action plan that will see us through to next tuesday, delegating tasks between us in order to have a good sense of what was going on. I think that the bits of research we do individually we'll get together, discuss and evaluate their worth and I'll post the sort of outcomes of that discussion on my blog, as I'm sure Vickie will too.

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