Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Development of other frames for BREAKFAST CLUB IDENT

I looked at developing these quite fully, so I can make a detailed storyboard that demonstrates how I want things to move. Here are the results:
First we have the opening frame that sort of demonstrates molly ringwald, There's a progression of me making the composition up. I sort of knew what elements I wanted to bring to it and then messed around with them as I went along, I like that the blue circle that's in the title section crops up again, I think it'll give the animation a nice continuity.

I've done similar for the other frames that I'll upload, I'm starting to doubt that this is the way forward because it's so time consuming.

Right, here are the frame developments for the detention section as outlined in the post-it development earlier. I've tried a few things out with this one, but I'm still not happy with it, however I decided to go with one for the storyboard just so I have a rough sequence of events in my head and a reasonably detailed map down on paper:

I started looking at the idea of lockers, representing school, the lockers feature quite heavily as imagery in the breakfast club. However, this by it's self didn't represent detention very well to my mind, I then introduced the hand because I thought about the hand of authority etc. and how significant that could be in demonstrating it. I spent a while working with this and then working the locker back into it, however it wasn't very satisfactory. I also had the idea that a path runs down to spell detention and draws the guy at his desk, which might still work, however I don't like the aesthetic of my idea. As I say, I'm not satisfied with this composition at all. My last idea on that section was to have the circle that seems to be a recurring theme become a clock that ticks but doesn't move past the same point, giving the idea of endless time that traditionally is associated with detention.

Finally, before we get to the title frames, there is the breakfast/no breakfast joke:

I kind of new what I wanted with this one rather than with the detention frame where I kind of muddled through the ideas. I mainly just experimented with scale to begin with.

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