Thursday, November 4, 2010

Development of Peoples Temple Info booklet/poster

After re-looking at this brief I realised that I hadn't really experimented with the layout of the article section of this brief. There was so much potential to explore the way the kool aid section works with the page. At first I played with the kool aid running also the entirety of the page to the facts section. I really think this is successful and mirrors the way it works on the poster on the other side. I then started looking at different eays of making water marks, the smooth flowing lines seemed to be the most successful at imitating liquid within this section, the angular ones looked to aggressive to say liquid and therefore kool-aid immediately. Even with the ost successful of these it made the pull quote a little illegible so that wasn't really an option. I reverted to the original layout to experiment with some different fonts, I looked at Helvetica and futura condensed to replace the headers and gill to replace the body copy, but to be honest, the way bebas looked on the page was nice and it complimented the style of the fact sheet running along the side very nicely so I'm going to stick with that I imagine, though I may spend a few hours looking more thoroughly at the body copy.

I then worked briefly on the layout for the poster on the back, I was quite satisfied with the way it looked before, but the filter I'd been using in in design to reverse out the kool aid section had decided to stop functioning, so I photo-shopped it properly. I tried a few different fonts; helvetica, futura condensed, gill and so on because they all work quite well as bold header fonts, but as with the main body of the article, I was more happy with the original, and really enjoyed the way Bebas looked on the page. I also tried a few different alignments but again solely on personal preference the way it sat on the page at left aligned was, for me, the best.


-I had my tutorial with Lorenzo today and whilst Ollie and Craig had worried that I didn't have a context for this brief, Lorenzo reassured me that if this brief is about print processes, the important thing is to generate as much work as possible exploring different print processes.

-To that end, I feel that I'm going to knock out more than 4 cults worth of layouts at a quick rate, ensuring that each one uses an entirely unique print proccess and even folded finish in order to show a huge range of exploration. This allows me to work quickly and document my development quickly and really focus on creating really nicely printed outcomes.

-With this in mind, I want all 4 of my original cults to be done by Friday next week, with a unique print finish decided upon and ready to go.

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