Thursday, November 4, 2010

Starting the Manson Family info booklet.

The Manson Family

-Peak membership around 100:

-death toll 7-

-Spiritual leader- Charles Manson

-spiritual home- Spahn Movie Ranch-

-core beliefs- Hippie based doomsday cult, predicting a race related end of the world

-founded in 1967

-ended in 1969

Famous quote' Now is The Time For Helter Skelter'- Charles Manson was obsessed with the Beatles and believed the recently released White Album was a coded message aimed at the Manson Family, instructing them what to do about the coming apocalypse. Helter Skelter was Manson's term for the uprising of the Blacks, the murders he committed were an attempt to bring about the 'Helter Skelter'.-

This is my development that I did quickly today on the Manson Family Cult, it's just quick layout design and trying a few things out for th eposter, this quickly turned into possible layouts for a booklet though. I tried various fonts out and worked with this photo of Charles Manson the cult leader himself. Ultimately the photo it's self is ugly, especially halftoned. I wanted to have a visual parity between this one and the last one, but I don't think it's working effectively at all in this context. The early layouts for 'now is the time for helter skelter' might be the best way to go without a photograph in the background, almost in the style of a slogan t-shirt.

I think this is also an opportunity to explore a different layout. I think I might look at the booklet format I was wanting to explore in the last section, this is the only other cult I've been looking at so far with a death count, so the style of info bit that runs down the side of the peoples temple article would work the most effectively and fully with this cult. But I'll try a few things out and do a bit of research about interesting and suitable folded layouts.

Finally, I need to decide on a finish to use for this, I might use red blood splatters and then spot varnish them to make them look fluid. but I think this is a little cliche'd so I'm going to try and think on that a while.

Unfortunately for now this is going to have to take a backseat to blogging and documenting the book fair brief, because it's been a little bit neglected up till now.

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